I Have Come Again

Price: $350.0

Size: 24.0 x 18.0 x 1.0 in Medium: painting Material: Oil on Canvas Frame: Not Framed

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About The Artwork

Year: 2022 Style: fine art Description: Original Piece This is a self-reflection of a man who has very entitled to himself. He is known for his tremendous presence every time he arrives in places, making the atmosphere cold as he walks through. He thinks he is superior to everything, all peasants bow to his greatness. Need Help? Contact sales@revart.co

About The Artist

Zeed Cedric Esteban
Zeed Cedric Esteban
Fine Art Artist
Quezon City, Not, Philippines
Zeed Cedric Esteban

I am a self-taught artist, figurative and surrealist. I use my work to explore the full range of human emotions through the beauty and complexity of the human body and the aesthetics of landscapes. I am drawn to the power of art to communicate in a way that words cannot.

I strive to create paintings that are both realistic and expressive. I want my paintings to evoke a sense of emotion and tell a story. I am exploring the relationship between the body and the mind, and I use my work to explore themes of identity, memory, and desire.